Open Science at the WIN

The Western Institute for Neuroscience (WIN) has pledged its commitment to adopting open science across the institute. Our new open science framework will guide the way WIN researchers do science.

The WIN is Western University’s first institute to partner with McGill University’s Tanenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI) in a commitment to make open science a guiding concept across the institute. A new open science framework will shape the institute’s identity and guide research, training and programming at the WIN.

Unlocking human knowledge through open science isn't just a revolution. It's an evolution that empowers collaboration, accelerates discovery and paves the way for a brighter, more informed future.

Our open science framework

Developing WIN’s new framework involved extensive community consultations to identify open science needs and existing barriers and shape WIN’s guidelines. The final framework includes six guiding principles that will support WIN researchers in voluntarily integrating open science into their projects from start to finish.

Download a summary of our guiding principles [PDF]

Principle #1: open design

WIN and its researchers will incorporate open science practices into research programs during the experimental design phase so that research can avail itself of the added value inherent in open science in a proactive manner appropriate to the research context.

Learn more [PDF]

Principle #2: open physical resources

WIN and its researchers will support replication, discovery, and innovation by openly sharing the physical materials contributed by research participants as well as the physical research tools created by WIN researchers and their collaborators in a way that sustainably supports their long-term value.

Learn more [PDF]

Principle #3: open digital tools & software

WIN and its researchers will ensure digital tools and resources (such as algorithms, software code, and hardware schematics) are made openly available with minimal restrictions on reuse.

Learn more [PDF]

Principle #4: open data & information

WIN and its researchers will support reproducibility, discovery, and innovation by making the scientific information used in published research—including full numerical data, as well as information on the models used, data sources, algorithms, etc.—publicly available in appropriate repositories. This includes data products generated through collaborations and research partnerships – whether with commercial, philanthropic, or public sector actors.

Learn more [PDF]

Principle #5: open access publications & knowledge mobilization

WIN and its researchers will make all publications accessible online, free to access by any user, with no technical obstacles and minimal restrictions on reuse. In addition, researchers should endeavour to make their research meaningfully accessible to stakeholders beyond academia by sharing results in a form understandable by those stakeholders.

Learn more [PDF]

Principle #6: open intellectual property

WIN and its researchers will minimize the restrictions on open access and use of shared scientific outputs due to intellectual property or other legal restrictions, whether those resources are created in collaboration or partnership with academic, philanthropic, or private sector actors.

Learn more [PDF]

What is open science?

Open science is the concept of sharing data, information, tools and research results to eliminate barriers for collaboration and maximize research impact. It also fosters a more open approach to research that includes diverse voices and builds capacity in tackling society's greatest challenges.


Ready to embrace open science?

By becoming a TOSI-designated open science institute, WIN joins a growing network of five major Canadian research institutes focusing on neuroscience and mental health, who aim to change research by embracing open science and collaboration.

Learn more about how TOSI might help you adopt open science practices and principles.

If you have any questions about WIN's open science guidelines, please reach out to or download a summary of our guidelines.


You can also book our Open Science Research Specialist for talks or for one of your lab meetings! 

Christine, our open science research specialist at WIN, is offering 30-60-minute presentations on various topics related to open science. These are meant as general introductions to open science to start the conversation on how you can implement open science in your research, your work, or your lab. 

Book your time slot here.  

If you have inquiries or suggestions for talk topics, please email Talks can also be customized to your needs, including length, so please feel free to indicate this when making your booking.