Open Science Advisory Committee

Andrew Pruszynski
WIN Associate DirectorBiography: Our lab is trying to explain how various parts of the nervous system – from receptors in the skin and muscles to neurons in the brainstem and cerebral cortex – work in concert to generate skilled movements of the arm and hand. We expect that our work into these fundamental processes will yield better treatments for the diseases and traumatic events that impair hand and arm function.

Blake Butler
Assistant Professor in the Department of PsychologyBiography: My research focusses on the role of experience & plasticity in the development of sensory systems, with a focus on hearing loss and restoration.

Ali Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Medical BiophysicsBiography: My research is focused on the development of intelligent image processing and analysis technologies, and their application in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.

Jibran Khokhar
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell BiologyBiography: My research aims to understand the mechanisms underlying co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders, using a variety of behavioural, pharmacological and translational neuroimaging techniques.

Arlene MacDougall
Associate Professor and Director of Research, Department of PsychiatryBiography: I lead trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral educational, research and innovation initiatives that apply mindful social innovation approaches for tackling complex mental health system challenges both locally and globally.

Natasha Mhatre
Assistant Professor, Department of BiologyBiography: My research aims at understanding the different mechanisms used by sensory systems to adapt to their ecological needs and achieve high sensitivity.

Yalda Mohsenzadeh
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer ScienceBiography: My lab works at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience and computer science closing the loop between theory and experiment.

Karli Nave
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of PsychologyBiography: I completed my PhD at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in Psychological and Brain Sciences. My research interests include music cognition, auditory rhythm perception, beat and meter, and neural mechanisms underlying rhythm processing.

Daniel Palmer
Neurobehavioural Specialist with the Mouse Translational Research Accelerator Platform (MouseTRAP).Biography: I work to develop tools and resources to support neuroscience research, leading the development of several projects including a behavioural data repository, cognitive testing software, and various data pipelines for fiber photometry.

Kristi Thompson
Data Management LibrarianBiography: I am the Research Data Management librarian at Western Libraries and previously worked as a data librarian with statistical consulting support at the University of Windsor, as a data consultant at Princeton University, and as a freelance web developer.