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Tel: 519-661-2111 x82205
Western Institute for Neuroscience
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building,
Western University,
1151 Richmond Street,
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
WIN members in the media
How does nicotine affect cognition and what's the risk?
Dr. Steven Laviolette on CBC Podcast "The Dose"
Listen HereCSSHRC Storytellers Competition.
Submisison by Jessica Lammert.
The relationship between cognitive health and gaming competition.
Dr. Adrian Owen on CBC On the Go
Listen HereGenetics, Psychosis, THC, Dopamine & the Brain.
Listen to Dr. Jibran Khokhar on the Mind & Matter Podcast.
Listen HereAustralia's proposed ban on social media for children under 16.
Dr. Emma Duerden on CBC radio.
Cannabis and the Developing Brain: Vaping, edibles, and genetics.
Dr. Jibran Khokhar at the 2024 Amazing Brain Science Talks.
Watch HereThe Catalysts: The Science of Aging Podcast.
Listen to fascinating talks on aging by WIN members.
Watch Here