News - 2022

Should you believe your eyes? Not necessarily in virtual reality says new study
December 13, 2022Neuroscientists examine the promise and limitations of VR (Read the full article)

Researchers analyze hair to study war trauma among Syrian refugee children
December 01, 2022Adolescent females at much greater mental health risk from conflict-related trauma, study finds (Read the full article)

Study provides a new understanding of pain disparities among racial groups in U.S.
November 23, 2022Researchers say pain can be used as a barometer of mental and physical health of a population. (Read the full article)

Western research shows traffic-related air pollution linked to increased risk of dementia
October 27, 2022Researchers examined 17 studies that included more than 91 million people worldwide (Read the full article)

Western-led study explores COVID-19 effects on cognition
October 18, 2022Reasoning, speed of thinking, verbal abilities among infection impacts (Read the full article)

Music training promotes better beat perception in Parkinson’s patients: study
June 09, 2022Western neuro researcher Jessica Grahn says findings could help inform early-stage intervention (Read the full article)

Breaking new ground on ‘untapped’, alternative brain imaging technique
October 03, 2022Western officially launches new Optical Neuroimaging Research Group (Read the full article)

Expert insight: We are preventing some dementias now – But how?
September 23, 2022Dr. Vladimir Hachinski says a positive approach to brain health may help reduce incidences of stroke, heart... (Read the full article)

Study looks at impact of artificial intelligence on primary health care
September 22, 2022Research shows primary health care and digital health stakeholders are “cautiously optimistic”... (Read the full article)

Research reveals new paradigm for treating PTSD
August 11, 2022Dr. Ruth Lanius is developing neuroscientifically guided treatments for patients with post-traumatic stress... (Read the full article)

Passive exercise offers same brain health benefits as active movements: study
August 04, 2022Western-led research shows potential for rehab, long-term care application (Read the full article)

Ontarians had poor sleep quality in early days of pandemic: study
July 18, 2022Western-led research finds COVID-related anxiety among causes of sleep disturbances (Read the full article)

New study: How the pandemic has impacted counselling services
October 04, 2022Joint research between Western and Athabasca will focus on access to counselling for low-income Canadians (Read the full article)

New study shows significant gains from computer-based depression treatment
May 18, 2022Western researcher touts benefit for marginalized adult population (Read the full article)

New Gray chair aims to solve pain-limiting mobility problems
May 11, 2022Siobhan Schabrun takes neuroscience approach to addressing chronic pain (Read the full article)

Western, McGill team up in new neuroscience initiative
May 10, 2022Groundbreaking research projects can have economic, societal impact near-term (Read the full article)

Western team wins Governor General medal for kids’ hearing-aid tech
April 26, 2022Innovation award recognizes audiology team for world-class software (Read the full article)

Inaugural neuroscience fellows ‘looking to make a difference’
April 22, 2022Three researchers exploring novel ways to study the brain (Read the full article)

New research targets faster diagnosis for Parkinson’s patients
April 11, 2022Western, McGill team up to develop more equitable assessment method (Read the full article)

Confronting the complexities of brain diseases
March 31, 2022Western’s innovative, collaborative work to discover new treatments for neurodegenerative conditions (Read the full article)

Neuroscience experts unlock mystery of autism-related anxiety
March 31, 2022Collaboration, best-in-class tech enabling Western’s innovative research (Read the full article)

Finding treatments for brain diseases
March 31, 2022Putting the pieces together (Read the full article)

Study looks at brain lesions as early predictors of dementia
March 23, 2022Western-led research can have significant impact on patient care (Read the full article)

New Western specialization links AI and health research
March 21, 2022One-of-a-kind collaboration to help grad students use machine learning to solve complex health, medical... (Read the full article)

Neuroscientist partners with law firm for concussion research
March 16, 2022Andrea Soddu’s imaging software provides neuro insights on patients with acquired brain injury (Read the full article)

Study provides new insight into brain’s attempts at psychosis recovery
February 15, 2022Research findings may lead to new protocols to treat mental disorders (Read the full article)

Western researchers zero in on math anxiety
February 07, 2022Teacher competence, parental support influence students’ stress level (Read the full article)

Alzheimer support leads to $1.3B in health-care savings: survey
January 27, 2022New BrainsCAN report provides real-life insights from those living with dementia and their care partners (Read the full article)

Social contact key to overcoming mental health stigma
January 26, 2022New Western-led study offers promising next step in changing public perceptions (Read the full article)
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