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Email: win@uwo.ca
Tel: 519-661-2111 x82205
Western Institute for Neuroscience
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building,
Western University,
1151 Richmond Street,
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
Research Interests: How implicit and explicit memory contribute to language acquisition, with an emphasis on sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Neuroimaging techniques to explore language processing and learning across the lifespan, including challenges in second-language acquisition.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology.
Research Interests: Cognition, exploring how the healthy brain functions, what goes wrong in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases, and identifying therapeutic targets, while also improving preclinical-to-clinical translation.
Bio: Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: The combination of music theory, psychology, and philosophy, and the examination of both classical and popular repertoire.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Don Wright Faculty of Music.
Research Interests: The neurobiology of social cognition deficits in schizotypal personality disorder, using neuroimaging and behavioral tasks to uncover gray matter abnormalities.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Research Interests: The impact of early adversity on cognitive ability starting early in fetal life, as well as infants and school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder or who are born very preterm.
Bio: Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Research Interests: Understanding how both the brain and body contribute to student success, with a particular emphasis on promoting cognitive function and mental health in children and youth, including those with academic challenges like ADHD.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
Research Interests: Improving long-term cognitive and functional outcomes in critically ill children by developing and implementing electroencephalography-based monitoring tools, utilizing signal processing and artificial intelligence to identify brain pathologies and deliver timely interventions.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Research Interests: The neuroscience of music, exploring how the brain processes rhythm, timing, and music perception.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychololgy.
Research Interests: Understanding how the brain controls voluntary movement, with particular interest in motor learning, neural control of limb stiffness, and the sensory basis of motor learning. Computational models of neural control and the effects of visual observation on motor learning.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: How reproductive and adrenal hormones influence high-level cognitive functions, such as memory across the lifespan, from prenatal development to old age, using a combination of behavioral, neuropsychological, and hormonal assessments.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Reading development in children and the use of behavioural, eye tracking and electrophysiological methodology.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Understanding developmental dyslexia, language impairments, and the role of biology and experience in reading and language development. Use of neuroimaging and eye-tracking techniques, real-time language recognition in both children and adults, as well as the impact of experience and maturation on second language learning and bilingualism.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: How individual cognitive differences and experiential factors contribute to the effort required to understand speech in challenging environments, such as when speech is masked or degraded. The goal is to better understand and reduce the cognitive demands that make listening in noise feel effortful and tiring.
Bio: Professor and Western Research Chair, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: How infectious diseases influence our cognitive functions, and the effects of viral infections and neuroinflammation on memory.
Bio: Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Research Interests: The neural mechanisms underlying cognitive processes, particularly in areas such as memory and perception. His work integrates psychology and neuroscience to explore how the brain supports complex behaviors, with a specific emphasis on cognitive function and dysfunction.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Neuroimaging, cognitive function, and movement disorders, with a clinical background in neurology and experimental psychology.
Bio: Associate Professor, Clinical Neurological Sciences
Research Interests: Understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms of attention, gaze control, and visual motion processing in the brain using behavioral and electrophysiological techniques in both humans and non-human primates.
Bio: Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: How we categorize experiences and how these concepts influence behavior, decision-making, and planning, with particular emphasis on prototype theory and multiple-systems theories of categorization. Work spans humans, animals, and machines, contributing to our understanding of generalization across different learners.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Understanding how neural systems integrate emotion with cognition and behavior, investigating the neuroanatomy of emotions like fear and anxiety, and exploring the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders using fMRI, MEG, and other techniques.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Brain Data Analysis Methods.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Research Interests: The development of cognitive control and its association with changes in prefrontal cortex function.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Understanding the interaction between language abilities and cognitive deficits in neurogenic disorders, including aphasia, traumatic brain injury, and progressive neurological diseases as well as developing assessment and treatment procedures for acquired language disorders and related symptoms.
Bio: Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Research Interests: Using neuroimaging techniques like EEG, evoked potentials, and fMRI to study cognition and consciousness in critically ill patient populations. Also exploring how to understand covert cognitive states and consciousness in patients who may be difficult to assess clinically.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Kings University College
Research Interests: Discovering ways to communicate with patients who appear to be in a vegetative state, neuroimaging to illuminate the human brain's function and structure, challenging long-held views about brain training and intelligence. Additionally, harnessing the power of
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Cognitive development, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience, specifically how we derive meaning from language and how these processes are affected by damage or experience.
Bio: Vice Presisent (Research).
Research Interests: Language, Culture, Hispanic Studies.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Languages and Cultures
Research Interests: Improving cognitive aging outcomes by developing connected speech signatures to detect cognitive decline and building predictive models of cognitive aging trajectories. Developing dyadic interventions for communication challenges in dementia, utilizing randomized control trials and telehealth systems.
Bio: Assistant Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Research Interests: The motives behind substance use, particularly cannabis, and how these motives relate to the development of substance use disorders and addictions.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Kings University College
Research Interests: Understanding brain circuits and mechanisms underlying cognition in both healthy brains and disease models, with a particular emphasis on Alzheimer’s and schizophreni.
Bio: Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: Understanding the stress and depression experienced by family caregivers of individuals with dementia and developing interventions to improve their caregiving experience.
Bio: Associate Professor, School of Health Studies
Research Interests: Sensory perception across the lifespan, particularly how changes in sensory perception impact cognitive processes like speech perception. Work includes studies with neurotypical individuals and special populations, such as those with autism spectrum disorders and cochlear implant users, using behavioral measures, neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG), and neuropsychological methods.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: The relationship between mind and brain through the lens of philosophy of neuroscience. Developing a contextual framework to analyze experimental practices in cognitive neuroscience.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Research Interests: How individuals develop mental representations of environments, examining factors like memory accuracy, spatial navigation, and the role of the hippocampus in cognitive development through methods like virtual environments, fMRI, and eye tracking. How implicit and explicit memory contribute to language acquisition, with an emphasis on sleep-dependent memory consolidation.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Exploring the principles of learning, memory, and pattern recognition, with a specific focus on perceptual expertise. His work investigates how expertise develops and is maintained, examining topics such as absolute pitch, statistical learning in speech and music, and degraded speech understanding.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Huron University College